The following checklists describe the needed actions for the day before launch, field assembly of the rocket and flight preparation.

Day Before Flight

  1. Charge LiPo batteries:
    1. Charge both batteries for the flight computers on balance charger
    2. Charge battery for camera module with integrated PowerBoost 1000 and 5V USB power supply (phone charger or similar.)
  2. Final assembly of subassemblies:
    1. Camera Module:
      1. Ensure the screws securing the camera, Raspberry Pi Zero and PowerBoost 1000 are tight
      2. Install new zip-ties and secure the battery
      3. Power on the Raspberry Pi Zero and ensure that the camera can be turned on and off
      4. Shutdown the Raspberry Pi Zero
    2. Fin Can Section:
      1. Tighten the 18 bolts connecting fins to mounts
      2. Install camera module, window and bulkheads on top of fin mounts
      3. Tighten the 3 bolts connecting the camera module to the fin mounts
      4. Hold the thrust plate on the bottom of the fin mounts and tighten 3 3/8-16 bolts connecting thrust plate to fin mounts
      5. Place 3 3/8-16 threaded rods through camera bay, fin mounts and thrust plate, loosely installing nuts and washers between the top and bottom of the fin mounts and above the camera module
      6. Thread the 3/8-16 rods into the thrust plate until the bottom surface of the rod is nearly flush with the bottom surface of the thrust pate
      7. Tighten the 3 3/8-16 nuts on the rods against the top of the lower tab of the fin mounts to lock the threaded rods into the thrust plate
      8. Slide the coupler over the threaded rods and the wooden middle bulkhead
      9. Verify that the nuts securing the U-bolt that acts as the main parachute mount are tight.
      10. Slide the upper bulkhead over the threaded rods and seat the wooden bulkhead into the coupler.
      11. Secure the upper bulkhead with 3 3/8-16 nuts on the threaded rods.
      12. Slide the lower body tube over the coupler, aligning all screw holes, camera window and fin slots with the correct fins
      13. Secure the lower body to the rest of the assembly by 15 8-32 screws, 9 into the thrust plate, 6 into the coupler
    3. Electronics Bay:
      1. Secure the flight computers’ batteries with 3 new zip ties, each
      2. Connect the batteries to their altimeters for testing
      3. Ensure the LED ring around the correct switch illuminates when the battery is connected for the primary and backup flight computers (blue for primary, yellow for backup)
      4. Ensure that the altimeters power on when the switch for each is turned on
      5. Connect the RRC3s to mDACS on PC and double check the settings:
        1. Both flight computers should be set to:
          1. Arming altitude: 10 (100ft)
          2. Main Deploy: 3 (300ft)
          3. Low Voltage Lockout: 6 (6V)
          4. English/Imperial Units
          5. Velocity Units Per Hour
        2. Main RRC3:
          1. Primary Dual Deploy Mode
        3. Backup RRC3:
          1. Backup Dual Deploy Mode
          2. Drogue Delay: 2 (2 seconds)
      6. Power off flight computers
      7. Disconnect flight computer batteries
  3. Measure out black powder charges and store in air/water tight containers:
    1. Main parachute:
      1. Primary: 3.14g
      2. Backup: 3.95g
    2. Drogue parachute:
      1. Primary: 1.52g
      2. Backup: 1.91g
  4. Gather motor and hardware:
    1. 75mm motor case, 5 grain length
    2. Forward closure
    3. Nozzle holder
    4. Retaining ring, 2x
    5. Retaining ring wrench
    6. Pro75 M1670-P motor kit
  5. Gather rocket components:
    1. Fin can section subassembly
    2. Main parachute bay subassembly:
      1. Body tube
      2. 6 8-32 flat head screws
      3. Quick link
      4. Rocketman parachute
      5. Swivel
      6. 30ft nylon shock cord
      7. 15ft nylon shock cord
      8. 6 shear pins
    3. Electronics bay subassembly:
      1. Assembled electronics bay
      2. 2 quick links
      3. 2 18in square Nomex parachute protectors
      4. 6 8-32 flat head screws
      5. 6 shear pins
      6. Black powder charges
      7. 10 e-matches (4 for recovery charges, 6 spares)
    4. Upper body tube
    5. Nosecone and drogue parachute subassembly:
      1. Nosecone
      2. Assembled drogue parachute holder
      3. 6 8-32 flat head screws
      4. Quick link
      5. SkyAngel parachute
      6. Swivel
      7. 30ft nylon shock cord
      8. 15ft nylon shock cord
      9. 6 shear pins
    6. Gather needed tools and supplies:
      1. Small flat head screw driver
      2. 3/16in diameter dowel, at least 6in long
      3. Wire stripper
      4. T15 and T27 Torx drivers
      5. 3/8in drive ratchet
      6. 3/8in drive torque ratchet
      7. 9/16in wrench and socket
      8. 7/16in wrench and socket
      9. Pliers
      10. Xacto blade set
      11. Sandpaper, 80 and 120 grit
      12. Synthetic grease (use only if needed in motor assembly steps 2.3 and 2.7)
      13. Roll of blue shop towels
      14. Roll of painter’s tape
      15. Cotton swaps (Qtips)
      16. 1L water (for motor case cleanup)
      17. Ladder

Pre-flight Checklist

  1. Field assembly of airframe:
    1. Electronics Bay:
      1. Ensure all internal fasteners are tight
      2. Connect batteries and test RRC3 altimeters
      3. Connect main parachute wire’s Molex connector
      4. Install upper and lower bulkhead and tighten nuts
      5. Load all 4 parachute ejection charges:
        1. Main parachute:
          1. Primary: 3.14g
          2. Backup: 3.95g
        2. Drogue parachute:
          1. Primary: 1.52g
          2. Backup: 1.91g
      6. Wire e-match ignitors from charge holders to brass posts, secure with thumb nuts
      7. Slide upper body tube over top of electronics bay, secure with 6 8-32 screws
    2. Fin Can Section:
      1. Remove the lower body tube
      2. Ensure that all internal fasteners are tight
      3. Slide the lower body tube over the coupler, aligning all screw holes, camera window and fin slots with the correct fins
      4. Secure the lower body to the rest of the assembly by 15 8-32 screws, 9 into the thrust plate, 6 into the coupler
      5. Loop one end of a 30ft shock cord through the U-bolt on top of fin can section and then pull the other end of the cord through the loop, securing the shock cord
    3. Main Parachute Bay:
      1. Pull the free end of the shock cord attached to the fin can section through the main parachute bay’s body tube
      2. Slide the main parachute body tube over the fin can section’s coupler
      3. Secure the main parachute body tube to the fin can section with 6 8-32 screws
      4. Loop a quick link through free end of 30ft shock cord
      5. Install free end of main parachute swivel onto quick link
      6. Loop one end of 15ft shock cord through the quick link attached to the swivel and 30ft shock cord
      7. Tighten the quick link with pliers and wrench
      8. Pack main parachute into body tube
      9. Loop a quick link through free end of 15ft shock cord
      10. Loop quick link through eyelet of Nomex parachute protector
      11. Install quick link around bottom U-bolt on electronics bay
      12. Tighten the quick link with pliers and wrench
      13. Slide electronics bay into top of main parachute body tube
      14. Secure the main parachute body tube to the electronics bay with 6 2-56 nylon shear pins
    4. Nosecone and Drogue Parachute Bay:
      1. Ensure that all internal fasteners are tight
      2. Slide on nosecone and secure to the drogue parachute coupler by 6 8-32 screws
      3. Loop one end of a 15ft shock cord through the U-bolt on bottom of drogue parachute bay bulkhead and then pull the other end of the cord through the loop, securing the shock cord
      4. Loop a quick link through free end of 15ft shock cord
      5. Install free end of drogue parachute swivel onto quick link
      6. Loop one end of 30ft shock cord through the quick link attached to the swivel and 15ft shock cord
      7. Pack drogue parachute into internal tube
      8. Loop a quick link through free end of 30ft shock cord
      9. Loop quick link through eyelet of Nomex parachute protector
      10. Install quick link around top U-bolt on electronics bay
      11. Tighten the quick link with pliers and wrench
      12. Slide nosecone coupler into top of upper body tube
      13. Secure the nosecone to the upper body tube with 6 2-56 nylon shear pins
  2. Assemble CTI Pro 75 M1670 motor reload, following instructions provided by CTI
  3. Install motor into rocket and secure with AeroPack retainer
  4. Use painter’s tape and secure motor ignitor to rocket
  5. Check in with Range Safety Officer and write flight into log
  6. Load rocket onto 8ft long 1515 size rail (assistance will be needed)
  7. Turn on altimeters (ladder will be needed):
    1. Turn on primary RRC3 and verify recovery igniter continuity. Three short beeps indicate continuity on both main and drogue terminals.
    2. Turn on backup RRC3 and verify recovery igniter continuity. Three short beeps indicate continuity on both main and drogue terminals.
  8. Turn on Raspberry Pi Zero W
  9. Use phone and connect to Raspberry Pi’s wifi access point
  10. Browse to and start video camera recording
  11. Install motor igniter and secure with either plastic cap or painters tape. Leave an air gap to ensure the igniter gases do not cause premature igniter ejection.
  12. Return behind flight line and wait for range to be clear
  13. Announce flight, making sure to state it is a heads up launch and certification flight
  14. Provide 5 second countdown and launch!
Final Assembly and Pre-flight Checklist

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