The list below contains links to all of the relevant documents for the Level 3 Certification Rocket project:

Level 3 Certification Rocket Design Goals
Summary of the goals and objectives for the rocket used for Tripoli Level 3 Certification.

Design Overview
The design of this rocket is entirely of my own design and was not based on any existing rocket or kit. All of the dimensions and features were chosen in an attempt to achieve the goals stated in the previous post.

Fin Can Section Subassembly
The fin can section subassembly is responsible many tasks to ensure to success of the rocket.

Final Design – Main Parachute Bay Subassembly
The main parachute bay consists of an outer fiberglass body tube, its physical connections to the fin can section subassembly and the parachute with its hardware.

Electronics Bay Subassembly
The design of the electronics bay ties the upper and lower sections of the rocket together and protects the altimeters from the aerodynamics forces of flight and the residue from the black powder charges for ejecting the parachutes.

Upper Body Tube Subassembly
The upper body tube subassembly is the simplest part of the rocket and it has only one purpose, to connect the electronics bay to the nosecone that contains the drogue parachute.

Nosecone and Drogue Parachute Subassembly
The nosecone and drogue parachute subassembly is responsible for four roles that are crucial for the success of the rocket...

Revisions Due to Part Availability
A few changes to the Bill of Materials for the rocket due to some parts not be available for an extended period of time.
Final Assembly and Pre-flight Checklist
These two checklists describe the needed actions for the day before launch, field assembly of the rocket and flight preparation.